Dr. Happiness

Dr. Happiness

The last Doctor that we will discuss is DR. Happiness. Dr. Happiness is the chief Yang physician, and goes hand in hand with our core values, legacy, dreams, motives and virtue. The  question we should all be asking ourselves is, is the life your living, the life you...
Dr. Quiet

Dr. Quiet

The next Doctor up to discuss is the chief Yin physician, Dr. Quiet. Dr. Quiet may be the most important doctor to check in with, daily. Dr. Quiet is in charge of rest, whether that is sleep or daily quiet time. When talking about the tai chi symbol, there is the Yin...
My Sacred Space

My Sacred Space

It’s hard to remember my life before I exercised regularly. It is now such a major part of my day. It’s a time I recharge, reclaim and slow things down. I feel so accomplished after a workout. I love that there is a beginning, middle and end. It makes me...
The Glue Of The Body

The Glue Of The Body

Many times, when I am training clients or coaching bootcamps, we will train parts of our bodies such as joints, balance, core stability and mobility. These things aren’t exactly sexy like glutes and biceps, but they are just as important. They are considered...
The Secret to Staying Forever Young

The Secret to Staying Forever Young

Growing older is a blessing, but sometimes feeling like it is not. We all want that forever young body and youthful joints that never ache and help us bound throughout the day. To fit perfectly into our jeans and not feel bloated or mentally foggy, but how do we fight...