You’ve probably heard it from your mom, your teacher, your doctor, your older sister, and well you get the idea…

“Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.”

If you were to ask a personal trainer how they maintain their killer bod chances are their answers will go beyond their workout routine, and into their diet.

For some breakfast inspiration; we asked our Personal Trainers what their go-to breakfast was and why. Continue reading and steal some breakfast ideas for yourself!

Stephanie Benton – Chicken Sausage & Gluten Free Oatmeal w/ Quinoa
Instagram: @cohesivefitness
“Chicken sausage & gluten free oatmeal with quinoa, amaranth and almond milk. This is my go to breakfast because it gives me clean energy to start the day and keeps me full for several hours of training sessions.

I also always start my day with coffee and like to add full fat coconut milk to it. The fat content helps me feel like my head is clearer and also helps with energy. I like to keep it simple so my breakfast is something I can throw together in 10 minutes in the morning.“

Pat Jak – This guy has TWO Breakfasts!
Pat Jak
“I start the day with 12-16 ounces of water. Then for a quick breakfast I mix:

2 tablespoons of peanut butter
half a cup of berries.
Gives me about 230 calories, mix of protein, fat, and carb and gets me from 6am to 9am.

Second breakfast is a shake:

16 oz water
2 tablespoons natural peanut butter
2 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa powder
1 tablespoon coconut oil
1 scoop whey protein powder. (Blended)
Shake is 475 calories, no sugar, low carb, healthy fats. My mornings are full and I rarely have time to sit and eat. Breakfast 1 and 2 come from a nutritionist who reviewed my metabolic profile. It has worked well and gets me to whole, natural healthy lunch by noon time.”

Melanie Rogers – Bulletproof Coffee & a Pea Protein Based Shake
Instagram: @melrogerslife
“I start every morning with a cup of bulletproof coffee:

organic shade ground coffee
one scoop of collagen protein
a little scoop of grass fed butter
a tablespoon of MCT oil.
I blend it in the blender and it becomes frothy and delicious.I work pretty early in the morning and I’m not really ready to eat a big meal at that time.

Later in the morning I usually have a meal replacement protein shake:

Pea based protein, or bone broth protein powders
Frozen cauliflower,
Frozen blueberries
Half a banana
Coconut oil
Coconut or almond milk
If I’m in a real rush I’ll have a protein or keto bar first and have my shake around lunchtime. On the weekends I will have a veggie, egg omelet with sausage and spinach”

Everett Cahoon – Ezekiel bread w/ Peanut Butter, Banana Slices, & Drizzled Honey
Instagram: @everettcahoon
1st Breakfast:

2 full eggs and 2 egg whites
2/3 cup oatmeal with 1/2 cup frozen berries
2nd: Pre Workout Breakfast:

2 piece ezekiel bread w/ Pb, banana slices, and drizzled honey
2 cups water with pinch of sea salt (keeps muscles hydrated)
Meg Kruse – Eggs and Oatmeal (Prepped in Advance)

Instagram: @megkrusetrainer
“I always eat 5 egg whites with kale and 1/3 cup oatmeal cooked. I make 8 servings at a time and divide it up into tupperware and I’m ready to go at the crack of dawn!

It gives me 1 serving of protein and 1 serving of healthy carbs and 1 serving leafy green to give me fuel for breakfast.”

Lisa Golden – Protein Shake with Flax Oil
Instagram: @lisagolden1015
“I always do a protein shake:

Ice cubes
Skim milk
Flax oil
PB Fit powder
Chocolate whey protein powder
I change it up with frozen strawberries or a banana and sometimes granola, but that’s my breakfast every day. I like it because it’s quick and easy to drink on the way to work and it fills me up.”

Demi Torres- Protein Shake with Vegan Protein Powder
Instagram: @__demitorrespilates__
“Protein shake consisting of:

Unsweetened vanilla almond milk
Two huge handfuls of spinach
one scoop sprouts chocolate vegan protein powder
one scoop MRM prebiotic fiber and ice
I blend it all together and sometimes I’ll add half a banana and some nutzo butter if I know my morning is going to be a busy one!”

Kira Dosenberry – Eggs, Fruit, & Nuts
Instagram: @doozieberries
One full egg with 1/3 cup egg whites
Fruit (preferably Blueberries)
Handful of nuts (preferably cashews)
A cup of coffee!
This makes me feel the most energized after many trial and errors of it before and I find my body works best with more fats than carbs in my diet!”

Jeff King – A Variety of Options Depending on Mood
Instagram: @coachjking
Keys to a good breakfast:

Should incorporate carbohydrates, protein and healthy fat
Regulate blood sugar
Provide you with good energy
Top breakfast meals:

Eggs and Veggie Omelette

eggs are complete protein which is huge
veggies are solid source of carbs for the morning
add some avocado for healthy fat
Steel cut oats with dark berries

healthy source of carbohydrates and protein
dark berries for flavor and simple sugars
Avocado toast

once again avocados are great source of healthy fat
great change up to regular jelly or peanut butter toast plus it’s natural
don’t be afraid to sprinkle in veggies
Breakfast meat with potatoes

choice of breakfast meat includes either turkey bacon or sausage
potatoes can be enriched by adding veggies to eat
makes it a nice balanced meal
Protein drink

eating real food should be the goal but if you are in a time crunch or want a change up a protein can be beneficial. Try these ingredients:

unsweetened almond milk
1-2 scoops of protein powder of choice
mixed berries
peanut butter
1/2 banana

Janet Bertrand – Egg Scramble
Instagram: btrained
“I’m definitely a creator of habits. I really love 2 eggs, spinach and half an avocado. It gives me energy and I stay full until lunch! It’s honestly my favorite breakfast!”