Ray Hrenko
ACE Personal Trainer
ACE Senior Fitness Specialist & Brain Health
FAI Functional Aging Specialist
Born and raised in Williamsport, PA, home of Little League Baseball, Ray participated in all sports growing up. He attended and graduated with an environmental sciences degree from Florida Institute of Technology in Melbourne, FL. He worked as an environmental consultant in San Diego for the past 38 years before retiring in 2018. He volunteered for many years at Sharp Memorial Hospital and Rady’s Childrens Hospital prior to COVID.
He has been a client of Fitness Quest 10 from 2002 to 2022. He got his personal trainer certification in 2021, completed the Fitness Quest 10 internship in the fall of 2022, and was hired as a trainer in 2022. As a long-time client, he brings a client’s perspective to fitness training.
He has a passion for training maturing adults to regain, maintain, or improve function, balance, strength, and power to prolong their independence. He competed in the 2019 and 2021 California Senior Games competition at Fitness Quest 10. He runs the Fitness Quest 10 Ultimate Play workout (formerly boot camp) on Saturday mornings.