Our popular Large Group Classes provide many options

Join us for high-energy, calorie-shredding workouts or restorative classes
which help you to recover through strength, flexibility, and corrective movements. Regardless of your age or fitness level, Large Group Training is an excellent way to pursue your physical health while being a part of our Fitness Quest 10 family.

Total body Fitness:
This “Total Body” Functional Fitness class is a fusion of resistance training, cardio, sports drills, and an array of new and exciting exercises to keep you constantly challenged. Can you say calorie burn?
HIT Strength:
Are you short on time? This 30-minute HIIT Strength is a great way to get in the full body strength & cardio workout you need in a short period of time. Health is only 30 minutes away!
Pilates MAT:
Pilates Mat is a powerful exercise method designed to increase core strength, ease of movement, balance, and alignment in the body. Have more control in life!
We offer both Restorative and Yoga for Mobility and Recovery to unify your mind, body, and spirit through balance, proper stretching techniques, and breath work.
Ultimate Play:
We start at Fitness Quest 10 and then jog down to Hoyt Park to play a “loose” version of Ultimate Frisbee & occasionally other games. We run, play, laugh and mildly compete. It is FUN!
Stretch & Balance:
This Stretch and Balance Class will involve doing exercises that strengthen the muscles that help keep you upright, including your ankles, legs, spine, back and core. These kinds of exercises should improve flexibility, stability and help prevent falls.