A few years ago, I faced one of the most difficult challenges of my life. One of my adult children was struggling with addiction, and I needed to move to their city to support them through treatment for about three months.

      During this time, I found myself without access to a gym—something that had been as essential to my daily routine as breathing, showering, or brushing my teeth for the past 25 years. The thought of not working out wasn’t even an option.

Beyond that, I was struggling mentally. While I was relieved my child was getting help and deeply grateful for their willingness to pursue recovery, the emotional weight of the situation was overwhelming.


Finding a Way

I knew I had to find a way to stay active, not just for my physical health but for my mental well-being. So, I took stock of what I had and created a plan:

  • How: I designed a 45-minute strength training routine.
  • Where: I used a small 10 x 13-foot apartment living room.
  • What: I worked with sport cords, TRX, body weight, and two 20-pound dumbbells.

I also decided to harness my emotions—the fear, the stress, the uncertainty—and turn them into fuel. If I was in a low place, then any small victory, any act of self-care, became a stepping stone toward something better.

Making It Work

With music pumping through my headphones, I got creative. The apartment stairwell became my pull-up bar. The couch? It worked surprisingly well for deadlifts. I experimented with my sport cord and TRX, discovering new ways to challenge myself.

By the time my child completed their treatment and transitioned back to independence, I returned to San Diego and my usual gym routine. To my surprise, I hadn’t lost a step. My strength was intact. My consistency had paid off.

Instead of letting adversity derail me, I used the difficulty. I leaned in and became stronger because of it.

What Does It Mean to “Use the Difficulty”?

In acting, there’s a term for when something unexpected happens on stage: using the difficulty. Instead of breaking character, an actor folds the mishap into the scene, making it appear as if it was always meant to be there. Sometimes, it even makes the scene better.

Life works the same way. We all face unexpected challenges—injuries, setbacks, relationship struggles, family crises, financial troubles. The difference between those who give up and those who push forward is how they use the difficulty.

Your Turn

Take a moment to reflect and answer these questions:

  1. What difficulty are you facing right now?
  2. What steps can you take to navigate this challenge? List them.
  3. What emotions are tied to this difficulty?
  4. How do you feel when you exercise?
  5. Write a declaration of how you will use the difficulty to push through challenges and emerge stronger.

You have the power to take control of your circumstances. Even when life throws you something unexpected, you decide how to respond.

Rise up. Keep moving forward. One step, one workout, one challenge at a time.

By Janet Bertrand, FQ10 Trainer